It is National Impaired Driving Prevention Week and the goal of this awareness week is to educate Canadians about the consequences of impaired driving due to alcohol, drugs, fatigue or distraction.
Impaired driving destroys the lives and health of thousands of Canadians each year. Impaired driving and its tragic consequences are 100% preventable.
Crashes involving alcohol and/or drugs are a leading criminal cause of death in Canada. Impaired driving, whether by alcohol or drugs, continues to kill or injure more Canadians than any other crime. It also remains the single most important factor contributing to serious road crashes.
Illegal drugs, cannabis, over-the-counter and prescription medications can all impact your judgement, coordination, and reaction time behind the wheel.
It's important to know that even one drink of alcohol can reduce your reaction time, blur or double your vision, impair your reflexes, and alter your attention span.
Remember impaired driving doesn't just apply to cars – it also applies to motorcycles, boats, ATVs, snowmobiles and other forms of transportation. Everyone has a role to play to ensure safety on Canada's roads, trails and waterways.
As part of our ongoing commitment to Road Safety, community members should expect our Officers out conducting #AnywhereAnytimeRIDE checks across Greater Sudbury. Road Safety is a Shared Commitment and we would like to thank all of you who continue to drive sober.