Weapons Complaint
Posted on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 04:30 PM
At approximately 12:00 p.m., Greater Sudbury Police Service Officers responded to a Weapons Complaint in the area of Falconbridge Road at Lasalle Boulevard.
A male armed with a knife attempted to gain entry to a residence, but was prevented by the occupant. There were no injuries sustained during the incident.
The male then fled on foot. He is described as being 5’7”, with short, dark hair, and is wearing a long white t-shirt and black shorts.
Greater Sudbury Police do not believe there is any threat...
Media Release - Greater Sudbury Police Service Introduces Bear Information Line
Posted on Friday, May 20, 2016 05:30 PM
In the summer of 2015, the Greater Sudbury Police Service was inundated with over 1700 calls for service regarding the presence of Black Bears within our community.
In order to create efficiencies within our Communications Centre we have created a new Bear Information Line to assist the general public when dealing with Black Bears.
Starting the 20th of May 2016, when a call for service comes into the Communication Centre regarding a black bear, the call will be screened by our Communication...

**Reminder** National Prescription Drug Drop Off Day – May 21, 2016
Posted on Thursday, May 19, 2016 12:15 PM
Do you have expired, unwanted, and unused prescribed medication in your home?
The misuse and abuse of prescription medication has become a public safety issue for communities and police services across the country, who are working together to draw attention to this concern by fully supporting the National Prescription Drug Drop Off Day on Saturday May 21.
The National Prescription Drug Drop Off Day is a one-day initiative supported by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, the...
Motor Vehicle Collision-RR15
Posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 08:00 PM
**Further investigation on scene has determined that the child was not actually on the school bus but he was walking along the side of the road when he was struck and the driver of the school bus was a witness who stopped at the accident scene**The Greater Sudbury Police Service is currently on scene at a collision wherein an 11 year old child exited a school bus and was struck by a vehicle. The exact extent of injuries are not known at this time. This occurred on Regional...
Reminder: 11th Annual Law Enforcement Torch Run Toll Booth
Posted on Saturday, March 26, 2016 10:00 AM
It's That Time Again!
The Greater Sudbury Police Service is holding its 11th Annual Law Enforcement Torch Run Toll.
To date, the Toll Booth has raised in excess of $225,000 and we are aiming for another record year. The Toll will be held on Saturday, Mar 26th 2016, from 9:30 am until 5:00 pm. Uniformed officers, auxiliary officers, police foundations students, Special Olympians and volunteers will be working at all exits of the Riocan and Silver Hills Centers.